3 Ways to Build a Skyscraper Link Building Effort for Niche Websites

Skyscraper content isn’t just for tech startups or companies with large budgets. It’s an invaluable tool that can be easily used by small and local businesses to their advantage. It’s a great way to get your message out when there isn’t much news related to the industry that you are involved in.

Take plumbing, for instance – no one wants to hear about the latest technology in pipes when it comes to content marketing. Skyscraper content, however, can help do the work of getting your business noticed without having to invent a whole new wheel. All you need is some knowledge of your services and products, as well as creativity and enthusiasm for the message. We’re here to help with building links to gambling sites if you need it and here are some link building strategies you can use.

Content marketing can be a tricky business, and it becomes an even bigger risk when resources are scarce. Fortunately, the skyscraper strategy opens up opportunities to local businesses with smaller budgets and time constraints.

By creating content around topics that aren’t headline-worthy, content marketers can successfully draw attention to their business without the same risks of failure. As seen with food storage, a relatively dull or mundane topic can still be turned into a skyscraper and create a foundation for an informative article that brings in like-minded readers. In many cases, this formula of low expectations yields high results for those who are willing to try it.

When the content team at our company sits down to create a skyscraper, they go through a rigorous process. In this example, we are talking about the treatment of bee stings. Normally, no matter what location you’re in, the same advice is given after being stung with an array of topics available to research. However, more ‘localized’ topics such as plumbing tips have to be tailored to the geographic location because some issues are unique to certain places – such as pipes that freeze in much colder climates. No matter what we write about though, our content team has it nailed down like a pro.

1) Research

Performing adequate research prior to building any type of content is integral. For example, I want to create content for Barry Dyke, M.D., a dermatologist. The research involves a search for common problems most related to his business and conducting searches around them using tools like Open Site Explorer to find inbound links to relevant articles.

It is important to check the credibility of the webpages by looking for sites featuring a .gov or other authoritative domains. Through this research, the team has identified that a viable topic centered around what to do for insect bites had potential due to the lack of visual content found on the focused-upon webpages.

2) Foundation

Building the foundation for any content piece is a critical step that can ultimately make or break your success. It starts with nailing down the exact topic you plan to cover and then creating an outline, ensuring you have all the necessary information that is relevant and organized in a logical manner. This allows for easier navigation of the content for your readers, making them more likely to stay engaged and keep reading until completion.

It can also act as a roadmap, guiding writers exactly on what needs to be included so nothing gets overlooked or forgotten. Taking this extra time up front helps ensure that all bases are covered and makes it easier to modify any part if needed as work progresses.

Going back to our example, the outline might look something like:

  • Why Bee Stings Happen
  • Treatment for Bee Stings
  • Get rid of the stinger
  • Keep swelling under control
  • Manage the symptoms
  • Follow up
  • Treatment for Allergic Reaction
  • Special Care for Children

3) Skyscraping

Skyscraping is the ultimate challenge for any content creator and can be more successful than HARO link building. In making something unique, you need to be prepared to stand out from the competition and offer something original and fresh that readers might not expect.

It’s easy to take an existing piece of content (like a bee sting article on WebMD) and simply re-package it with slightly different words, but this isn’t particularly engaging. Instead, try adding something special – whether this be in the form of visuals or information that appeals specifically to your local audience or expresses an opinion in a new way.

This can take some creativity, but if done well it gives you a great platform to make articles interesting, engaging and hopefully successful.