How Startups Can Reap The Rewards Of PR

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It may be said that all press is good press. However, getting any press at all can be a hard thing. When it comes to bagging good PR from journalists can be a tough undertaking for some startups. Investing time and effort to attract such publicity only to see no fruits can be heartbreaking. As such, startups should spend more in ways that will make them appeal more to the public.

When being the press campaign, it is important to consider several influential factors. Such elements include what elements will pull in more people to be interested in what you are offering? Who are the ideal partners that will help improve your business? What ways can you boost your online presence? Answering these questions places you on the right track that will see you back some “good press attention.”

Other than the stated things, below are six invaluable PR tips for startups that are worth implementing.

1. Plan for conference speaking gigs six months in advance

Conferences can be a great platform that you can leverage to increase awareness of your name and business, especially if you land a site at the insider’s roundtable and share the same speaking stage with them. However, such an achievement is one that comes with adequate planning in advance. High coveted events like a CES require no less than six months of prior planning. The market (potential customers, clients, and partners) always have their ears and eyes out for the next big thing.

Therefore, for you or your startup to register in the league of what people are talking about or want, then start planning now for the next year’s conferences. Keep in mind, that picking a team that is a perfect fit for your brand will play a role in bettering your chances of being selected as a keynote speaker. Moreover, you need to network so that you are abreast with what’s current and so that you can register early as well as to know who else will be attending.

2. Align your business story to a topic that trending nationally

Regarding the question of how to increase your online presence, you will need to have a robust and well-optimized website as well as be active on social media. For the latter, your concern should be how to gain more followers, and you will get the numbers by aligning your conversations with trending stories. It is a PR strategy that will position you on the idea starting point that can easily see your conversation go viral. Going viral is the icing on the cake for any startup, especially when the content is a perfect representation of the business brand.

Pick a trending topic that relates to your business. It should make sense besides it serving as the voice of your brand. The story can be about the concerns of the consumer or how the economy is fairing, but it also should have pertinent elements that relate to your brand. Remember, the efforts you put into what you do will need you to exercise some endearing creativity.

3. Consider laying foundations that are DIY PR for now

Professional publicists do not come cheap. So before you can afford one, you need to start educating yourself on the tactics employed in doing PR and set yourself up for success. Know how to do PR for your business will help you develop your brand. Learn the ropes and everything else you can concerning putting your name and company out there. The objective should be to drive enough traffic – online and offline – and then you can consider hiring a publicist when the budget allows. This will help improve your online reputation.

4. Strive to generate fresh content bi-weekly or weekly

When running your business, you should know your strengths and weakness so that you pick areas that are within your best abilities. For matters related to content for marketing purposes, you should consider having a seasoned writer to curate the materials you will churn out. The grammar of the articles should be spot-on; otherwise, you risk having a window for your startup to be discredited.
Avoid resting on your brand the burden of reaching the target audience, especially if yours is a company that does not use English as its native language. But even then, articles may not be the most creative approach. If that is the case, then you can bounce ideas with your partners or team members to come up with ways of getting the message out there.

5. Link Up With Other Writers From The Less Known And Emerging Tech Outlets

Again, networking is vital for an effective PR campaign, and it can never be overstated. Most emerging writers are on the lookout for hot, trendy topics that they can leverage and land their big break. Do not underestimate their potential in favor of the more seasoned writers. Establish gainful partnerships from both quarters, more so, the less known writer because they can cover your topic in a bid to build their professional portfolio. Remember to maintain a strong working relationship with the writers so that you can have a trusted friend in the business.

6. Generate data relevant to your industry

While it makes business sense to want to track your statistics, at times, this can work against your overall objectives. A practical alternative is to check what your target audience wants and need as well as what resonates with them. Find out what kind of content they find interesting and helpful. The answers to this will help you come up with the right content that will yield newsworthy results.

Also, if you have specific data that can help you provide unique information about your industry, then you can use it to create a comprehensive report, do a podcast, generate infographics or other data-oriented content. You pitch the material to the right editors who are in search of in-demand stories to publishing.

Implement the six tips mentioned above, and your business will be well on its way to reaping the rewards of good PR that attracts the much-needed media attention.