Link Building Packages

Our link building packages provide the quality links your site needs to rank. Our link building agency has been in the business since 2013, and in that time has improved the search engine rankings of hundreds if not thousands of websites.

Our Link Building Agency

As we’ve mentioned above, we’ve worked in SEO link building for a decade – offering clients the best in placements for their sites in a whole host of niches. Our link building company is offering packages at a great price to help you rank in Google.

Build Links and Rank

In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, link-building remains one of the most critical aspects of search engine optimization. For years, businesses have strived to improve their search rankings by building links to their websites. However, with Google et al becoming smarter and more sophisticated, link-building has become a complex and challenging endeavor. This is where our link building packages and our link building agency come in to play.

In this comprehensive read, we are going to delve into the gist of things, exploring the fundamentals of SEO link building, why it matters, and the best types for your marketing campaign. Whether you are a seasoned SEO expert or just getting started out, there is a lot to learn here.

What is Link Building?

Link building refers to the process of getting links from other websites to yours. These links are also known as backlinks or inbound links.

The more high-quality and relevant links your website has from other reputable websites, the better it can rank in search engine results pages. This is because search like Google consider links as a signal of trust and authority, indicating that other websites consider your content to be valuable and worth linking to.

SEO link building services can be done through various methods, such as guest blogging, creating valuable content, directory submissions, and outreach to other websites to request a link.

What is the Importance of Link Building?

The primary goal is to get more authoritative links to your website, which can boost online visibility and ultimately drive more traffic to your site. Quality backlinks are arguably the #1 ranking factor on Google. You may have the most stunning website in your niche, but if no one is linking to it, you will find it hard to rank and acquire traffic.

We provide quality link-building services that are tailored to your needs. We have honed our skills over the years to come up with strategies that ensure trustworthy and authoritative links. We take a manual approach to ascertain link-building based on real relationships.

Link Building Strategy

We implement a custom link-building process that includes over 20 link-building techniques. We use your competitors’ data to come up with a tailor-made strategy for your site. This is a time-consuming process, but how we approach it is what sets us apart from other link-building service providers.

Outreach to Improve Organic Traffic

Our approach to link building involves launching email outreach campaigns aimed at relevant websites in your niche. We prioritize acquiring links from high-quality sites with a strong online presence and domain authority. Our team constantly tests and refines our outreach methods to achieve higher response rates, ensuring we can secure backlinks from powerful, authoritative websites for our clients.

Build Links

Link building, especially in this mature field is no walk in the park. We strive to earn authoritative links with a robust domain rating by implementing a wide array of link-building techniques. Our company’s goal is to create a strong backlink profile with a natural anchor text profile to ascertain higher rankings and thus more leads and customers.


Our agency focuses on creating high-quality links that help boost our clients’ SEO rankings. We measure the success of our campaigns and work closely with clients to continuously improve our link-building tactics. Our packages are customized to align with your business goals, and we take a long-term approach to our work, ensuring we deliver a positive return on investment (ROI)

What are Backlinks?

Consider backlinks as votes for your site in comparison to others. These votes inform search engines that your content is credible, helpful, and worth reading. As a result, the more votes you get, the higher you rank on Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

The concept of using backlinks in search engine algorithms is by no means new, it remains to be a vital ranking factor. Google’s initial PageRank algorithm was created on the foundation of backlinks, but it has seen various changes over the years. Today, backlinks are still one of the three most important ranking factors, along with quality content and technical SEO.

It is important to note that not all backlinks are made equal. Quality backlinks carry more weight when it comes to ranking. One high-quality backlink can provide better results than multiple low quality backlinks.

Why are Backlinks Important?

By knowing what backlinks are, the next step is to understand their purpose. This is crucial to ensuring you implement the right strategy. A poor approach to backlinking can have detrimental effects on your marketing campaign and website overall.

Backlinks act as important votes from other sites that verify the usefulness and credibility of your content. The higher the number of these votes from authoritative sites you get, the higher your website will rank on the SERPs

Sites with More Quality Backlinks Rank Higher

As earlier mentioned, the concept of using links is as old as the invention of Google et al. Despite the numerous changes done to algorithms like PageRank, backlinks are still a core aspect in regard to ranking. In fact, it is among the top three ranking factors on Google.

More backlinks are an indicator that other businesses vouch for what you publish. When a number of sites link to a particular page or site, search engines know that it is worth linking and displaying it on the search engine results page. As such, it is important to have a robust link-building services and campaigns.

What are the Best Types of Backlinks?

There are nine distinct types of backlinks, each with varying degrees of significance depending on the referring website. By understanding these types, you can develop a link-building strategy that targets high-quality backlinks to enhance your SEO efforts and improve search engine rankings. You can then get these links yourself of buy links from our agency.

Editorial Backlinks via Link Building Services

These are links that are placed by other website owners or editors within their content’s body, usually to mention you as a source of certain relevant or helpful information. They are also formed when your website is featured in a link roundup on a particular topic (citation) or a business representative is quoted.

Editorial links are considered to be one of the most valuable forms of backlinks when placed on high quality websites, as they are a sign of a site’s credibility and authority in the eyes of search engines. To acquire them create evergreen content that establishes you as a thought leader and your website as a destination for industry expertise and interviews. Also, ensure your content is captivating enough to share as this creates a higher virality potential. This is one of the many link building strategies out there.

To get ideas of subjects to tackle, use leverage SEO tools than can identify hot or trending topics.

Guest Blogging Backlinks via Link Building Services

When you send guest posts to established platforms, you can attach an editorial backlink to your website. Guest blogging is a great way to reach a wider audience, and should be at the core of your SEO campaign. For these opportunities, try and connect with high-quality, established websites.

Backlinks from Webinars

Webinars and their recordings can be valuable resources for attracting backlinks to your website. By offering valuable and informative content, other websites may choose to link to your webinar page or include it on their own site.

Employing similar strategies used for promoting blog content can help you increase the visibility of your webinar, making it more likely to be featured by relevant websites. Webinars can also serve as a resource when reaching out to websites for guest blogging opportunities.

Backlinks in Business Profiles

When creating digital profiles on business listing websites, industry directories, social networks, and review sites, you can link or buy backlinks to your website and provide proof to search engines that your site has a long-standing presence. These profiles offer an easy opportunity to establish backlinks and improve your website’s SEO ranking.

Free-Tool Backlinks

Another great way to garner both attention and backlinks is by providing a useful tool for free. This could be something that will have a long-term SEO influence like a cost calculator that’s helpful for people in your niche. You can also achieve the same by providing a free version of a commercial app. In order to generate backlinks, market it with websites that have similar readers to yours. Again you can leverage SEO tools for the best results.

Guest Post Bio Links

If a website that allows guest blogging doesn’t accept backlinks inside the content, chances are you can do so in the author’s bio section. Whether the links are linked to editorial content or not, does not matter. They still have an impact on search engine optimization as guests usually backlinks to sites with more viewership and know where people go read articles, get recipes, etc.

Acknowledgment Backlinks

Companies often receive acknowledgments on websites when they make a gift, have a representative speak at an industry event, or provide support. By analyzing your competitor’s backlinks, you can identify potential opportunities for acknowledgment backlinks and develop a strategy to gain recognition for your website. These acknowledgments can serve as valuable backlinks to improve your SEO ranking.

Badge Backlinks

Creating a badge to recognize other companies for their position or performance is an effective method to generate backlinks for your website. Websites that display your badge will include a link back to your website, resulting in increased visibility and higher SEO rankings. To ensure the effectiveness of your badge program, use SEO tools to identify websites with audiences similar to your own and target them as potential recipients of your badge. This can be a great way to attract high-quality backlinks and boost your website’s overall authority.

Broken Link Building

Prospecting and finding links to dead 404 pages can be a great way to get links. It’s all about creating a great resource and then reaching out to websites via broken link building prospecting and offering them a link to your high quality content. Many SEO professionals find this to be a great way to secure links and improve their website’s ranking. It’s a time consuming link building methods but can produce great results for link building experts and SEO agencies.

Comment Backlinks

In many blogs, those who make comments on a post are usually allowed to link to their websites. Unfortunately, some act in bad faith and use it as a way to spam and an obvious link scheme, leading to bad low quality links. However, if you leave a relevant comment on a high-quality post, sharing links can help boost your online presence and drive more traffic to your website. Backlinks cost is usually a good determiner of this.


Link Building Services FAQs

If you’re considering a new backlink strategy – link building agencies such as VelSEOity are here to help you buy quality backlinks. Needless to say it can seem confusion, so before buying links take a look at our list of commonly asked questions about link placement.

What are Link Building Services?

Link-building services are an SEO tactic that aims to acquire valuable inbound links from high-authority domains to improve a website’s search engine rankings. Backlinks serve as a crucial ranking factor improved search engine rankings that determines a website’s credibility and trustworthiness. By earning or buying links, businesses can enhance their online visibility, build their authority, and improve their search engine performance.

Link-building service providers look for websites relevant to your niche and establish relationships with them to place links on pages that lead back to your website. These strategies include guest posting and outreach.

Are Backlinks Still Crucial in 2023?

Yes! Even as we transition into search that is more dependent on AI, backlinks are still a vital ranking factor. Backlinks tie relevant sites together, making navigation easy for people looking for their desired information. However, it is important to note that the quality of the links matters more than the quantity. Using black hat SEO techniques only penalizes your website and so, it is important to ensure you employ the approved and most effective tactics. Paid links are a great way to do this if your SEO professionals know what they’re doing.

What are the Goals of Link Building Services?

The primary goal of engaging in link building is to get high-quality links that point back to your site with the aim of increasing rankings, establishing your credibility, and improving traffic. If you do this alongside creating quality content, then you will be in a good position.

How Many Backlinks?

The number of backlinks you need to rank will depend on the niche and the industry and the search result in question.

What’s a Link Building Service Provider?

A link-building service provider is an agency that helps websites and brands get quality backlinks through certain link-building techniques. As mentioned earlier, a link building campaign is a core aspect of SEO campaigns and it’s not something anyone can do.

When running a business, there is a lot to do that you may not have time for SEO. Outsourcing link-building to these providers helps ensure you have a competitive edge as you focus on other aspects of your business.

If your’e looking for via Link Building Services – we’re here to help improve search engine ranking – as a website owner our links will be crucial to your success and help you rank web pages higher search rankings and at the top of SERPs.

Contact our Link Building Agency to Discuss