How To Become A Payday Loan Affiliate


Today, everything is becoming more expensive and even the tiniest additional expense can leave you in need of cash immediately. If you would like to earn some extra cash to help you pay the bills during these times when inflation is high, you can help people access money faster while earning some yourself.

A payday loan affiliate program allows you to earn money as a contracted liaison between payday loan providers and those looking for a loan. To become a payday loan affiliate, all you need to do is follow the 5 steps below:

I. Join a Payday Loan Affiliate Program and Set Up a Website

The first thing you have to do is fill out an application to become an affiliate of a payday loan company. The company will be the one providing the loans to the customers you refer. Carefully research the company to ensure that they will reliably review and grant customer loan applications and pay your commission.

The next step is to set up your affiliate website and bring people there to fill out a loan application so that they can be automatically connected to the payday loan providers. You should also ensure that you have embedded widgets from the payday loan company, have website and blog content that you will be using to market the loans, and create an email sales funnel.

If you don’t know how to do any of the above, you should consider working with a professional web design or digital marketing company to help you build links to your payday loan site.

II. Get People to Your Website

You need web traffic to get individuals to apply for payday loans on your website. To generate this traffic, you can write articles containing SEO keywords aimed at ensuring that your website is among the top search engine results when people search for those keywords. You can use regular blog posts for this.

If you have the budget for it, you can consider using paid advertising. Today, many social media platforms have their own advertising programs. Consider your target market and the social media platforms they use and run an ad campaign targeted towards them.

III. Prepare Your Marketing Strategies

You can promote your payday loan affiliate website by placing ads on other websites, generating email lists, and advertising on various social media platforms. You should ensure that you combine as many of these options as you possibly can.

Traditional advertisements can also be highly effective. Television commercials, radio announcements, or even newspaper ads can all be effective at helping bring people to your website. It might be a less targeted approach, but will reach many people at the same time.

IV. Use the Tools the Payday Loan Company Provides

When you become a payday loan affiliate, you should ensure that you are working with a company that provides you with the tools needed to attract clients. Examples of such tools include an API (application programming interface) that adds multiple lenders to your sales funnel as well as website widgets for embedding the basics of your affiliate website, such as the loan application form, for example. Here’s a good guide.

V. Get Paid Once You’re a Payday Loan Affiliate

Once you become a payday loan affiliate, you will have the nominal startup cost of building the website and simply embedding the loan application form. After that, you will decide how you will be generating leads. Once the applications start flowing in, you can earn as much as $250 for each lead with no limit to the number of leads that you can refer.