Top 20 Best Chrome Extensions for SEO


Enhance your SEO efforts with these top 20 Chrome extensions. These tools simplify keyword research, on-page optimization, technical audits, and more, all within your browser. Perfect for anyone, regardless of budget, these extensions streamline tasks and boost efficiency for better search performance. Dive in to see which ones fit your needs.

Best Chrome Extensions for Keyword and Competition Analysis Tools 

  1. MozBar 

MozBar is a really useful free seo extension from the SEO experts at Moz. It gives you key insights about any website you’re browsing – like the all-important domain authority metric. This scores how likely a site is to rank well in search engines. The higher the authority, the better its ranking potential.

But MozBar doesn’t just show domain authority. It provides a bunch of other handy data too, including these best features:

  • Check page authority for specific pages
  • See what keywords a site is targeting
  • Analyse its backlink profile
  • Customise searches by country, engine, etc. for localised metrics
  • Highlight different link types – follow, nofollow, internal, external
  • View markup data and HTTP status codes

It’s like having an SEO detective right in your browser! The extension lets you easily spot link opportunities and more.

MozBar is clutch when you’re checking out competitors’ sites. With one click, you can benchmark where you stand against them for domain and page authority. You can identify their strongest content that needs a closer look. The extension makes competitive analysis a total breeze.

If you subscribe to Moz Pro, you unlock extra goodies like keyword difficulty scoring and advanced rank tracking. But even the free version is crazy useful for doing quick SEO audits on the fly.

  1. SEMrush SEO Toolkit 

The SEMrush extension offers one of the most complete SEO toolkits right into your browser. This powerful add-on is loaded with features for comprehensively analysing your competition.

With SEMrush, you can deeply dissect any website to uncover their top keywords, traffic sources, backlink profiles and gain insights into their seo competition

Having this competitor intelligence at your fingertips is invaluable for refining your own SEO strategies.

But SEMrush’s abilities go far beyond just competitive research. It’s also renowned as one of the best keyword research tools out there. The extension allows you to easily:

  • Get search volumes for keywords
  • Check keyword difficulty scores
  • Uncover tons of related keyword ideas

This data helps you identify high-value, low-hanging fruit keywords to target with your content.

  1. Ubersuggest’s Chrome Extension 

Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest extension is a must-have for anyone doing keyword research directly from Google’s search results pages. With a single click, you get a goldmine of keyword data like:

  • Monthly search volumes
  • Competition levels
  • Seasonal search trends
  • Keyword suggestions and ideas

Having these insights conveniently displayed means you don’t have to constantly jump between different tools and browsers. Ubersuggest streamlines the entire keyword research process.

The extension makes it super easy to quickly evaluate a keyword’s potential and search demand before creating content around it. You can easily analyse keyword opportunities on the fly as you browse and get new content ideas.

  1. Keywords Everywhere 

Everywhere is another one of the best free Chrome extensions for powering up your keyword research game Like Ubersuggest, it seamlessly integrates keyword data right into websites you’re browsing.

With Keywords Everywhere, you can quickly see:

  • Search volumes
  • Cost-per-click estimates
  • Competition levels
  • Trends over time

For important keyword metrics across Google, Amazon, Answer the Public, and more. The extension saves you from having to toggle between a bunch of different tools and tabs.

Keywords Everywhere is incredibly useful for activities like:

  • Assessing commercial intent of keywords
  • Identifying low-competition, high-volume opportunities
  • Tracking keyword trends and popularity changes using Google Trends
  • Getting keyword ideas from related searches

The data visualisations make it easy to digest keyword information at a glance as you research. You can hover over keywords to see stats populate instantly.

On-Page SEO Tool Enhancers

  1. SEO Meta in 1 Click 

EO Meta in 1 Click is a super handy little extension for quickly auditing the on-page SEO elements of any webpage. With just a single click and you can check:

  • Meta tags and meta descriptions
  • Header tags (H1, H2, etc.)
  • Image alt text
  • Link attributes like titles and urls
  • Page word count and keyword density

Having this metadata neatly compiled in one place makes it easy to analyse whether a page is properly optimised for target keywords and search intent. You can instantly spot any missing or duplicate meta information that needs to be fixed.

The meta seo inspector is perfect for doing quick on-page SEO checks as you browse around the web. Instead of viewing source code, you get a clean report displaying only the crucial SEO elements.

  1. SEOquake 

SEOquake is a robust all-in-one SEO toolkit extension that goes way beyond just analysing on-page elements. It provides a comprehensive set of auditing and monitoring capabilities for various seo parameters, including:

  • Detailed technical SEO audits
  • Complete link profile analysis (internal/external)
  • Social media stats and engagement data
  • Keyword density and on-page seo data
  • SERP preview and rank tracking

The extension surfaces all these important seo data points in a visually clean dashboard that you can pull up on any webpage. This makes it easy to get a full 360-degree view into a site’s optimization status.

One of SEOquake’s standout features is its ability to analyse search engine results pages (SERPs). You can quickly audit things like keyword cannibalization, schema markup issues, and identify ranking opportunities.

The tool is highly customizable as well, allowing you to configure which data gets displayed and create custom SEO checklists based on your needs.

  1. SEO Minion 

SEO Minion is another versatile extension that packs a diverse range of SEO tools into one convenient package. It’s designed to help you tackle multiple optimization tasks without having to jump between different software.

Some of SEO Minion’s key capabilities include:

  • On-page element analysis (titles, meta, etc.)
  • Broken link detection and reporting
  • Rank tracking for target keywords
  • SERP preview for different locations
  • Site auditor for technical SEO issues

The extension provides an all-in-one dashboard where you can access all these features side-by-side as you browse websites. This streamlined workflow is incredibly useful for SEO professionals.

One standout aspect of SEO Minion is its rank tracking functionality. You can quickly check your rankings for specific keywords across different search engines and locations right from the extension popup.

The broken link checker is also super handy for identifying and fixing any broken internal/external links that could be hurting your site’s crawlability and link equity.

Content Optimization Tools

  1. GrowthBar 

GrowthBar is a fantastic tool for content creators and digital marketers looking to optimise their content strategy for better rankings and engagement.

Some of its standout features include:

  • Keyword research and suggestion tools
  • Content outline and brief generators
  • Google Ads data and integration
  • AI writing assistance and optimization tips

What sets GrowthBar apart is how it combines keyword research with content planning and creation all in one workflow. As you browse and research, the extension surfaces relevant keyword data to guide your content ideation.

The outline generator is extremely useful for quickly mapping out content briefs based on the top-ranking results for your target keywords. GrowthBar analyses the competition and provides a structural template to follow.

  1. Surfer SEO 

Surfer SEO is an incredibly powerful extension focused on helping you optimise content to outrank competitors in search results. Its core functionality revolves around:

  • Analysing the current top-ranking pages for your target keywords
  • Providing data-driven recommendations to make your content more competitively optimised
  • Scoring your content with an auditing tool to identify improvement opportunities

As you create new content or update existing pages, Surfer examines the top 10-20 ranking results and surfaces key insights like:

  • Ideal word count ranges
  • Keyword densities to target
  • Relevant backlink and authority metrics
  • Content structure and layout signals

It essentially reverse engineers the ranking factors that make those top pages successful for that particular keyword. This allows you to optimise your own content to closely match or exceed those benchmarks.

The extension integrates a content editor with built-in suggestions based on its analysis. You get real-time guidance on elements like headers to include, keywords to use, and image optimization.

  1. TextOptimizer 

This handy google chrome extension can help you create content that is truly aligned with search intent and user expectations. TextOptimizer analyses the top-ranking results for your target keywords to understand:

  • What topics and subtopics you will need to cover
  • Common terms, phrases and semantically related words to include
  • Question queries and FAQ-style content to address

With these insights, the extension provides tailored recommendations and guidelines to help you craft more comprehensive, relevantly optimised content pieces. As you write, TextOptimizer scores your draft and highlights areas that need improvement based on the competitive landscape.

Technical SEO Auditors

  1. Redirect Path 

Silent but deadly – this is how redirect problems work behind the scenes of any website. Because they can cause crawling, indexing and tracking issues, it is important to deal with them as soon as possible. The Redirect Path extension detects such problems by showing:

  • HTTP status codes and redirects while browsing;
  • -Full paths and chains of redirects;
  • Looping redirections and their breaks.

Having this information will allow you to quickly find out what pages are affected by faulty redirects and fix them accordingly. The plugin indicates detected errors graphically so that they could be easily spotted during site navigation.

  1. Link Redirect Trace 

This tool goes deeper into URL redirection flow than Redirect Path does. Apart from mapping chains, Link Redirect Trace offers:

  •  Analysis of link security for potential weaknesses detection;
  • -Breakdown of load time in order to identify speed bottlenecks;
  • -Full inspection of headers for technical debugging purposes.

Extra detail on each step taken by a redirect is very useful for technical SEO audits and ensuring safe user experience on a site. Speed metrics permit correlating overall performance with the number of redirects made.

  1. Sitechecker 

Sitechecker extension is helpful for you when you require a fast full-scope technical SEO audit. By just one click, it examines the current webpage and provides a detailed report on:

  • Page load speed and performance metrics
  • Mobile/responsive design checks
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript errors
  • Indexability and crawlability tests
  • URL structure and redirect analysis

All this data is visualised by Sitechecker’s reports in a clean and easy-to-understand interface right in your browser. Technical SEO problems that could be affecting your rankings such as slow page speeds rendering issues or crawler directives can be quickly identified.

The extension does not only surface problems – it also gives optimization recommendations based on the specific issues found. This enables prioritisation of high-impact items for fixing them faster.

When conducting site audits for SEOs or ensuring technical best practices by developers, hours of manual crawling work are consolidated into one smooth workflow with Sitechecker. For keeping track of site health, its on-demand scanning is priceless.

Backlink and Outreach Tools

  1. Hunter 

To do link building and digital PR outreach we need to connect with the right people. Hunter’s extension makes this process much easier by:

  • Finding email addresses associated with any website
  • Integrating seamlessly as you browse the web
  • Providing additional contact details like names/titles
  • Allowing email mail merge for outreach campaigns

Just within a few clicks, targeted prospect lists can be built quickly consisting of influencers, bloggers, journalists or any other site owners relevant to your niche or content goals. Email finding accuracy is maximised by hunter sourcing email data from over 100 million online sources.

The mail merge feature then lets you execute customised outreach campaigns easily at scale directly from your browser. Open clicks and other engagement metrics can be tracked.

  1. BuzzSumo 

BuzzSumo’s extension enables you to analyse which content is truly “buzzing” across different platforms resonating with audiences. Performance data such as:

  • Total social media shares and backlink counts
  • Breakdowns by individual networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
  • Identification of key influencers and amplifiers
  • Content analysis for viral topics and keywords

You can use this information to plan your own content promotion and amplification efforts strategically. Types of headlines, topics and formats that drive maximum engagement can be modelled.

The extension also allows you to monitor your competitors’ successful content in real-time as you browse. This can spark new creative angles or content opportunities to explore.

  1. Mangools 

Mangools is an extension that gives you a quick overview of important SEO metrics for any website you visit. When you browse a site, it displays top seo metrics like the number of backlinks and page authority score.

This feature comes in handy for a few different use cases. Let’s say you’re doing competitor research – you can quickly see how their backlink profile compares to yours and what terms they are targeting. 

Or if you’re evaluating a website as a potential link building opportunity, the extension shows you the site’s authority so you can gauge if a link from there would be valuable. With just a glance, Mangools gives you those key SEO insights without having to dig through separate tools.

User Experience and Performance Analyzers

  1. PageSpeed Insights 

Website speed is critical for providing a good user experience and for seo performance like ranking well in Google searches. That’s why the PageSpeed Insights extension from Google itself is so useful. 

It analyses both the desktop and mobile versions of any web page you visit. Then, it gives you an overall performance score along with specific recommendations on how to improve things like image compression, code optimization, and other factors impacting load times. 

Faster websites keep visitors happier and help you rank higher, so it’s important to identify and fix any speed issues. This extension makes that process simple by automatically auditing pages as you browse and highlighting areas for optimization.

  1. vidIQ Vision for YouTube 

For those focusing their efforts on YouTube and video marketing, the vidIQ Vision extension is a must-have tool. It provides deep analytics and data specific to enhancing the SEO and visibility of your YouTube videos and channel. 

Some of the key insights it surfaces include:

  • keyword research scores to evaluate video titles and tags
  • recommendations on best uploading times for maximum viewership
  • competitive analysis comparing your performance to other channels in your niche. 

Having these YouTube-centric metrics at your fingertips helps guide an effective video optimization and content strategy to grow your channel’s reach and discoverability on the platform.

Research and Data Collection

  1. Web Scraper 

For SEOs and digital marketers, data is king. And the Web Scraper extension makes collecting valuable data from websites a much more streamlined process. Essentially, it allows you to extract specific information from web pages and compile it into a nice, organised format like a spreadsheet or CSV file.

This enables automating all sorts of data gathering tasks that would otherwise be extremely tedious and time-consuming, such as:

  • Pulling competitor pricing and product details
  • Aggregating sales and review data across multiple sites
  • Compiling lists of contacts from directories
  • Scraping localised search results and rankings

Instead of manually copying and pasting, the extension can quickly scrape and structure the data you need with just a few clicks. It’s an incredible time-saver for market research, competitive analysis, and any other initiatives requiring large-scale data collection.

  1. Evernote Web Clipper 

The Evernote Web Clipper extension is a must-have when you’re SEO researching, looking for content ideas or just about anything else on the internet. It enables you to save and organise these gathered data by making clipping effortless – be it the whole web page itself or selected parts such as text, images, pdfs etc.

In other words, these clips go into your Evernote account where it acts like an online filing cabinet. Here’s what you can do:

  • Give each clip a tag and note so that they are categorised by topic, client etc.
  • Go through your clip library from any device
  • Share your notebooks of saved clips with teammates
  • Search for specific keywords within clips or tags associated with them

This makes it simple to curate and reference valuable web content, instead of letting those gems get lost in a sea of open browser tabs. The Web Clipper keeps your research materials tidy and accessible whenever you need them.


The Chrome extensions covered in this article are powerful tools. They can turbocharge your SEO efforts in many ways. Whether it’s keyword research, technical audits, content optimization, or outreach – there are extensions to help.

Don’t feel overwhelmed by the number of options. Start by picking a few extensions that align with your current SEO priorities. As you get comfortable using them, you can incorporate more tools into your workflow over time.

The best part? Many of these SEO extensions are completely free to use. You don’t need a big budget to start streamlining tasks and gaining valuable insights.

Start exploring the extensions today. Identify which ones fit your needs. Then put them to work boosting your site’s search performance.