Backlinks Explorer: What is it for SEO


Backlinks play a role in SEO success, but checking all links pointing to a website can be tricky. Backlink Explorer tools simplify this process. We will discuss how tools like Ahrefs and Moz help SEOs understand backlinks, why these tools are essential, and how link insights can boost website performance.

By the end, you’ll know which explorer tools to use and how to improve your rankings with them. Let’s dive deeper into the details.

What is Backlinks Explorer

A backlink explorer is a tool that checks the web and collects information about links leading from other websites to pages on a specific site. These explorers gather all the links bringing traffic to a site or page.

They make it easy to view and study incoming links, instead of manually searching through website code or looking at pages one by one. Important details from backlink analysis include:

  1. The total number of links pointing to your pages
  2. Where those links originate – the sites and pages they come from
  3. Features of the links like anchor text and relevance
  4. Measures evaluating the quality or value of specific links

Leading backlink explorers update their link database regularly to provide the most accurate and current picture of links attracting visitors and impacting websites. SEO tools with link analysis help make better decisions about creating more strategic links on a large scale.

The Advantages of Backlinks Explorer

Analysing backlinks opens up valuable insights for successful SEO strategies. Here are the benefits offered by explorers:

  • Time-saving: Automatically collect link metrics instead of manually analysing them. Easily focus on essential data.
  • Tracking progress: Monitor total links and referring domains over time to assess progress. Set growth targets with a comprehensive view.
  • Comparison made simple: Compare website performance with competitors by comparing links data side by side.
  • Identifying opportunities: Discover new placements and relevant sites not yet linked to yours based on outliers.
  • Informed decisions: Use link data to make better decisions about outreach targets, content optimization, and growth strategies for consistent ranking improvements.

Without backlink explorers providing aggregated reporting and analytics, assessing links would rely on biassed guesswork. Explorers remove the guesswork by presenting the complete landscape.

You gain a clear understanding through accurate aggregated reporting and analytics. Instead of relying on perceptions or guesses, explorers enable a links strategy based on solid facts and trends.

The Most Powerful Backlinks Explorer

You can make informed decisions accelerating growth with clear visibility into the full links landscape. Prioritise explorers that provide:

  • Comprehensive link indexing: The most powerful explorers crawl extensively across the web to compile hard-to-find links other tools may miss. Look for index depth and frequency of freshening data.
  • Historical caching: Access older link data to analyse performance over time. Limited snapshots miss evolution patterns.
  • Competitor comparisons: Top solutions allow side-by-side benchmarking to quickly quantify gaps and opportunities.
  • Actionable link suggestions: Great tools automatically surface viable prospects from competitor backlink audits.
  • Custom analytics and exporting: Tailored filtering and reporting provide the most relevant data to inform strategy. Access full indexes via export.

The best backlink explorers combine big data depth with customizable features optimizing the use of link intelligence. You can track competitor movements, set measurable growth goals, and confidently identify the highest potential link-building targets with the right solution. Updated decision-making eliminates guesswork thanks to complete visibility.

How To Use Backlinks Explorer

To leverage insights from advanced backlink analysis, follow these strategic steps:

  1. Establish clear goals: Define measurable objectives for increasing link volume and referring domain growth based on current status and industry standards.
  1. Analyse content performance: Evaluate existing content to understand which topics attract links. Use this insight to prioritise future content creation and formats. Identify competitor content that earns links you’re missing.
  1. Identify potential leads: Utilise data export tools to sift through large volumes of link data and create outreach lists prioritised by relevance.
  1. Monitor impact on rankings: Monitor changes in link velocity and correlate them with keyword rankings. Build upon successful placements to improve rankings.
  1. Keep an eye on competitors: Use benchmarking charts to assess your competitors’ link growth and identify trends to follow or challenges to overcome.
  1. Adapt and expand: Incorporate insights into your long-term strategy, integrating them into production systems for ongoing efficiency improvements.

By using the right explorer, you can pinpoint areas for improvement and opportunities for growth on a large scale over time. Focus on meaningful metrics and let data-driven decisions guide your strategy.

Distinguishing Quality Backlinks

While a higher number of backlinks suggests greater authority, search engines prioritise certain link attributes more. Use explorer tools to assess quality beyond quantity.

Link Relevance

The connection between the linking page’s topic and your content influences its impact. Features to analyse relevance include:

  • Topical tags on referring content
  • Keyword overlap evaluations
  • Natural link ratio observation

Prioritise links that are topically relevant for stronger trust signals.

Referrer Authority

The authority of the website hosting a link to your page significantly affects its value. Key metrics to consider include:

  • Domain authority or page authority scores
  • Domain trust flow/citation flow
  • IP diversity directing to your content

Links from reputable sites serve as third-party endorsements, enhancing your rankings effectively.

Setting a Backlinks Growth Strategy

Expanding visibility in competitive search environments requires a thoughtful and strategic approach to earning links over time. Rushing to build links without a solid plan often leads to poor results.

Instead, leverage backlink analysis to inform a smart framework for steady, enduring growth. Consider your unique challenges and opportunities, and plot your path forward:

  • Learn from Competitors – Research the backlink profiles of 3-5 top ranking websites in your space. Study their growth patterns over 6-12 month periods. How fast are they acquiring new links? How quickly are referring domains growing month-to-month? Benchmark your current link velocity against theirs.
  • Evaluate Industry Trends – Collect aggregated data on link building trends among industry leaders or competitors. For example, sites in your ecommerce niche may average 15 new referring domains per month. Use real data to estimate a realistic yet ambitious pace for your own link building.
  • Forecast Content Needs – Analyse your historical content to determine which topics, formats, and distribution channels attract the most links. Use this intelligence to model your future content production and promotion. Plan a publishing cadence that sustains link earning efforts over the long haul.
  • Optimise Outreach Conversions – Track your outreach efforts and look for ways to improve conversion rates. For example, you may aim to have 10% of cold emails result in a link. Experiment with different outreach and follow-up strategies to incrementally increase your returns.
  • Build a Flexible Framework – Pull together a 2-3 year blueprint for linked growth that incorporates major milestones. But also remain nimble and willing to adapt your approach based on new data. Invest in the proper tools and team to scale your efforts smoothly over time.

Why Links Build Long-Term SEO Foundation

Many businesses treat link building as a short-term play to gain a quick boost. But high-quality links are more than just a quick fix – they provide ongoing value over the long haul.

Here’s why building durable, lasting links should be a cornerstone of your strategy:

  • Links Gain Weight Over Time – Each new link you acquire builds on top of previous links, accumulating authority and value. It’s best to start building diverse links early, allowing time for their combined strength to grow. Don’t put it off.
  • Links Drive Sustained Referral Traffic – Quality links established months or years ago will continue sending referral visitors as long as the URLs stay live. Avoid breaking these connections through migrations or redesigns. Keep original links intact to maximise ongoing traffic.
  • Legacy Links Enhance Brand VisibilityEven as your business evolves, old links containing your brand name or keywords continue to be entry points for new visitors. Longstanding links keep your brand visible amid change.

The compounding nature of great links makes them a highly leverageable asset. But their value accumulates slowly over years, not days. Adopt a long view, and make links a cornerstone of your strategy now and for years to come.

In-Depth Link Analysis Features

Advanced backlink analysis tools offer extensive customization options for deep exploration of link data. Look for tools that offer:

  • Link Type Segmentation: Analyse link metrics categorised by type, such as editorial links, forum links, or special attribute links. Compare the impact of different link categories over time.
  • Page Authority Filtering: Sort links based on the authority score of the linking page to identify the most valuable placements for replication.
  • Domain Authority Breakdown: Evaluate the authority passed from linking sites by filtering domain authority tiers. Target websites with the highest potential influence.
  • IP Diversity Tracking: Search engines may discount numerous links from the same IP source, so tracking IP diversity enhances value.
  • Relevance Filtering: Contextually relevant links carry significant SEO weight. Filter links by topical tags or keyword relevancy to improve ranking outcomes.

Final Thoughts

Backlinks analysis unveils pathways to digital success, offering insights and opportunities for strategic advancement. Businesses can navigate the digital landscape with confidence by harnessing the power of exploration tools and meticulous planning.

Embrace the journey of continuous learning and adaptation, measuring progress and refining strategies along the way. Remember, each link tells a story and contributes to the narrative of your online presence.

Stay agile, stay focused, and let your insights guide you towards lasting visibility and influence in the digital sphere. With dedication and perseverance, your efforts will pave the way for sustained growth and success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a backlink explorer? 

A backlink explorer is a software tool that aggregates and analyses all the backlinks pointing to a website to provide competitive intelligence.

What website data can backlink analysis track? 

Backlink explorers track link data insights for a target website as well as benchmark against competitors’ sites.

What metrics do backlink analysis tools track? 

Key backlinks metrics tracked include total backlink volume, referring domains, anchor text ratios, link authority scores, and link growth over time.

How does it help inform better link building decisions? 

The link data uncovers new placement opportunities, helps compare against competitors’ links, and informs strategic decisions on where to focus link acquisition efforts for everything from mom and pop sites to casino sites.

Why should old links still matter for SEO? 

Historic quality backlinks continue driving referral visitors long term as well as contribute to overall authority signals that modern links also benefit from.

What is a key metric regarding IP diversity? 

Tracking IP diversity helps maximise unique IP addresses pointing from external sites to your content, increasing influence versus many links from the same IP.

How can I use competitor link data? 

Competitor backlinks analysis enables finding gaps in placement targets compared to your current link profile and their higher growth rates to compare against.

What should I look for in backlinks reporting features? 

Prioritise explorers allowing deep customization in viewing, filtering and exporting links data tailored to the website’s unique needs and focus areas.

Why set a strategic plan for link velocity? 

Setting milestones for desired link growth over longer time periods allows proactively planning production systems that support expandable authority scaling efficiently.

How do link analysis tools enable decisions? 

Backlinks explorers transform guesswork on link impacts into clear, accurate data revealing opportunities and progress tracking enabling smarter iteration towards goals.